Have you heard of the new carpet that is stain-resistant? Well, there is a way to get the stain-resistant fabric as well. Before you throw out all of your baby bibs and start eating spaghetti in a white shirt, you should probably know you wouldn’t ever wear stain-resistant fabric. However, this could be a huge deal for your furniture in your home, and you might be able to consider having that Super Bowl party this year. Here are some frequently asked questions about fabric protectors provided by Chet’s Cleaning.
What Kinds Of Fabric?
You can have fabric protection applied to literally any upholstery fabric. Gone are the days where your grandmother will make you sit on her clear plastic-covered sofa. You will be able to throw that cover off and enjoy the upholstery the way the creator intended it. Go nuts and get a light-colored couch even though you have young children in your home. Or buy that recliner you’ve had your eye on, even though your dog isn’t quite trained to stay off the furniture. Even the most delicate fibers have had success with this solution, so if you have doubts, don’t hesitate to call a professional.
Are There Options?
When you are considering having fabric protection applied to your upholstery, there are two main options that Chet’s Cleaning works with and that is Ultimate Protection and Platinum Protection LM. Both of these solutions are great at resisting stains and soils, but the Ultimate Protection offers additional sun degradation protection. If you have a piece of furniture that you like to keep in a sun-filled room near windows, then this would be an obvious choice for you. The sun can rather quickly bleach fabric out that is set in the sun, and this protectant will keep your couch looking great for much longer, while you can enjoy the sunbeams in your room.
Is It Guaranteed?
Both fabric protectors come with a 1 year guarantee from Chet’s Cleaning. However, you should know that fabric protectors are stain-resistant, not stain proof. This means that you will need to still be vigilant to clean up spills and messes as they occur. The protectant provides a layer of moisture-wicking solution to your fabric, but if the stain is left long enough, it can eventually soak through. Discuss the guarantee and the options with your cleaning professional.
Fabric protectors are a great idea for any person, but it is almost essential for families with pets and young children. It’s hard to always opt for the more practical options of furniture when you really want to buy the piece that speaks to you and your style. With fabric protectors, you can make any textile practical and whatever your interior design style can be within reach. Contact a cleaning professional like Chet’s Cleaning today to see how they can protect your upholstered furniture.