There are better ways to clean your home than spending a fortune on chemicals that shouldn’t be touched, breathed in or found lying on surfaces in your home.  To keep your family healthy, there are alternatives to chemicals like bleach and ammonia that will clean and disinfect your home just as well as the toxic products you are used to using.

Keep reading for the best alternatives to keep your home clean and your family healthy.

Cleaner:  Chlorine Bleach

Alternative: Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide will kill mold and mildew, sanitize counters and remove stains.  Save an old toothbrush to scrub those hard to reach corners and crevices with the hydrogen peroxide.

Cleaner:  Ammonia

Alternative:  Look for products that DON’T list lye, alcohol, glycol ethers, triclosans or triclocarbon on their label.

Note:  Safe cleaning products will say:  petroleum-free, phosphate-free, biodegradable, VOC- free and solvent-free.

Cleaner:  All-Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner

Alternative:  2 cups water + 1 ½ tsp. liquid castile soap + 1 tsp. tea tree oil

Mix together, store in an airtight container and store away from sunlight when not in use.  Use this product with paper towel, a sponge or clean towel.

Cleaner:  Glass Cleaner

Alternative:  1 quart warm water + ¼ white distilled vinegar

Mix the solution and put in a spray bottle for use on glass surfaces.

Cleaner:  Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Alternative:  1 cup of Borax

Pour the Borax into the toilet and let it sit for several hours.  Best done before leaving for work or going to bed.  After several hours, scrub with a toilet brush and flush the toilet.

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