Emergency Cleaning Tips

Emergency Spot & Stain Removal Guide

For a printable copy of these stain removal procedures, click the button:

Chet's Cleaning Chart

Spotting Procedure


We are not responsible if these procedures cause damage to your carpet or upholstery! Always pretest every spotting solution or rinse agent in an inconspicuous area before attempting any of these procedures!

Step 1:

If you have a thick spill, scrape it up with a plastic spoon onto newspaper. Work your way from the outside in to avoid making the spot larger.

Step 2:

Blot as much of the contamination up as possible by using white cotton towels or paper towels.

Step 3:

Apply the appropriate Spotting Solution to a towel first. Gently blot, if you get any transfer on the towel, you have the correct solution. If there is no transfer, keep trying solutions until you find one that gives you the most transfer.

Step 4:

On delicate textiles, spray Spotting Solution on a towel first and blot. Keep using different areas of the towel until the stain is removed. For synthetic color safe textiles, you may apply the Spotting Solution directly on the area and use the bottom of the bottle to agitate the solution in.

Step 5:

Blot excess moisture from the spot by using a dry white towel or many pieces of paper towel and standing on it for at least one minute. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until most of the spot is gone.

Step 6:

Rinse by applying water* on the area (or spray on a towel for delicate textiles) and blotting. Repeat until you are confident the area is rinsed. *Plain water is fine, but for more effective results; mix 2 oz. of clear household vinegar with 1 qt of water.

Step 7:

Extract and dry the area with a clean, dry
towel by applying pressure for at least one
minute. Tip: Use a rock or something with
weight and place it on a folded dry towel.
Leave it there until the spot is dry.


Repeat all the steps until you are confident the spot is all gone!



Most frequent questions and answers

Your carpet’s life can be extended just from a routine professional cleaning. Many carpet manufacturers require this when it comes to satisfying the integrity of their warranties. When cleanings are avoided, your susceptible to holding in even more dust, dirt, dander and allergens. Getting regular cleanings can restore the original look and luster of your carpet.

It depends on the household. If your home has children, pets, smokers, or just a large family in general, you will need a cleaning more often than the alternative. Usually, it’s about every six to twelve months.

We strongly recommend that you vacuum beforehand, though it’s not mandatory. If you don’t vacuum, please make sure all visible debris is removed. We will move most furniture if necessary and within reason. Therefore, bookcases, fish tanks, armoires, etc. will not be moved. Please remove all fragile items and décor, so we don’t accidentally damage any of your belongings. 

If you have certain spots of concern, let us know so we can give them special treatment. Also, we’re animal-lovers, but if you don’t think your pet will love us, please put him or her in a separate area for safety purposes.

Our cleaning process will remove most, if not all, of the usual odors. Some other odors that are more stubborn, like from pets, can linger, which can be knocked out with a deodorizer.

26051 Dequindre
Madison Heights, MI 48071
Phone: 248.584.1819
Fax: 248.584.2319

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